Regional Law Firm with International Standards
Abu Dhabi|Baghdad|Dubai|Muscat|Salalah|Istanbul

Intellectual Property


Intellectual property (“IP”) is one of the most valuable assets in modern commerce and international trade. Given its value, the protection of IP rights is imperative to all businesses. Salt & Associates Law Firm is an industry leader in respect of IP enforcement and protection in Iraq.

Iraq had previously enacted laws to deal with most IP categories. However, many of these laws were outdated and, under the auspices of the Coalition Provisional Authority, Orders 81 and 83 were passed in 2004 to provide more protection to IP rights holders. Orders 81 and 83 amended the following laws:

  • – Copyright Law Number 3 of 1971;
  • – Patent and Industrial Designs Law Number 65 of 1970; and
  • – Trademarks Law Number 21 of 1957.

Iraq is a member of the Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) and the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.

Intellectual Property Salt and Associates Law Firm

What We Offer

  • Registration of trademarks, industrial designs, patents, copyrights and digital rights with the Iraqi regulatory authorities.
  • Enforcement, protection and litigation in respect of IP rights.
  • Providing regulatory advice on the Iraqi IP landscape.
  • IP rights prosecution.
  • Transfers of IP and other IP transactions.
  • Drafting waivers, assignments and licenses in respect of IP rights.
Iraqi Companies Law Amendment

Get in Touch

Our attorneys work in synergy, ensuring that we confidently and knowledgeably respond to any legal aspect across the region and provide you with quality advice and guidance for the best outcome.